• The Academy provides parents/guardians access to report student absences through PowerSchool.  Parents & guardians can now report at any time, for any length of absence – from a partial day for an appointment, to multiple days due to illness or college visits.

    Other benefits:

    • Counts as written notice from the parent/guardian, which Connecticut requires for the absence to be excused and not count toward student truancy
    • Absence information will be received and processed faster, so teachers and staff know earlier in the day what to expect

    How to report student absences:

    1. Visit wa.powerschool.com from a web browser (reporting attendance is not available in the PowerSchool mobile app)
    2. Log in with your parent/guardian PowerSchool account
           *No account yet? Follow the instructions here to create one.
    3. Select "Attendance Monitor" from the left menu options
    4. Select the "Report New Attendance" button to submit absence, early dismissal, or late arrival information
    5. Fill out the attendance report
           a. If for one day only, input the first date. For multiple consecutive dates, input the first and last date.
           b. Select the reason the student will be absent.
           c. If the absence is not for the full day, select "No" and enter the start and end times that the student will be away from school.
           d. Give a short explanation for the absence.
           e. Select "Submit" to turn in the attendance report.
    6. If the following reasons were selected, proof must be submitted to the main office on North Campus to be fully excused:
           a. Illness, injury, medical or dental appointment: note from medical provider.
           b. Court appearance: copy of notice/court order.
           c. Dept. of Motor Vehicles appointment: proof of the appointment.