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Apply to WA

The Woodstock Academy accepts and enrolls both boarding and day students with a rolling admissions system. Tuition students may begin in the Fall Semester (Late August) or in the Spring Semester (Mid-January). All applicants are required to fill out The Woodstock Academy's online application form and participate in an interview with a member of the admissions department.

Day Students

Day students should submit the following to apply to The Woodstock Academy:

  • Application
  • Letter of Recommendation
  • Transcripts
  • Test Scores (where applicable)

Boarding Students

Boarding students should submit the following to apply to The Woodstock Academy:

  • Application
  • Letter of Recommendation
  • Transcripts
  • Test Scores (where applicable)
  • Copy of Passport (international)
  • Bank Statement (international - for Visa purposes)

Sending Town Students

Please note that there are designated registration dates for fall of 2024 enrollment for sending town students.
July 10, 11, 17 | August 15, 16, 17 
Contact to make an appointment.

Residents of Brooklyn, Canterbury, Eastford, Pomfret, Union, or Woodstock are considered sending town students and the towns in which they reside have agreed to pay each resident student’s tuition. Proof of residency in the form of a Certificate of Residency or an Affidavit of Residency must be submitted to the registrar at The Woodstock Academy before a student is able to register for classes. Once residency has been approved, the registrar should be contacted at (860) 928-6575; option 2 to schedule an appointment to complete the enrollment process. Please bring the following with you to your scheduled appointment:

  • Immunization and current physical records dated within the past year
  • Former school transcript

Contact Admissions

(860) 928-6575; option 2

Admissions Team

Jonathan Sturdevant
Associate Head of School for
External Affairs


Christopher Downs
Director of Enrollment Management



Todd Zenczak
Assistant Director of Enrollment



Carolina Millan
Admissions Operations Associate


WA On The Road

Meet a member of our admissions team when we visit the following locations:

Nashville, TN
February 26-28

Mexico City, Guadalajara, & Monterrey, Mexico
March 10-14

Shenzhen, China
March 25

Shanghai, China
March 26-27

Beijing, China
March 28-30

Tokyo, Japan
March 31-April 3

Southwest Florida
April 21-22

Southeast Florida
April 23-24