Gift Card Fundraiser
It is the time of year when our thoughts turn to the holidays and gift-giving. Once again, we encourage you to BUY LOCAL this holiday season by participating in our annual BUY LOCAL Gift Card Fundraiser. Why are we offering only local? It is simple:
✓ Local businesses have generously donated higher percentages to WAMD and other Woodstock Academy fundraisers throughout the year, and this is our way of supporting them.✓ National companies give less back with their fundraisers.✓ We are supporting the local economy.✓ Shop great gift cards to a wide variety of stores and restaurants from the comfort of your own home. Do all your holiday gift buying - no masks, running around, and wasting gas!✓ A percentage of every gift card/certificate sold will be given back to WAMPA at 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, and even 25% per card sold!✓ The more funds we generate, the more we can support our music students by providing camperships, scholarships, food for various events, and purchasing of instruments, uniforms, and other items greatly needed by the Music Department.The process is simple:
Order online now through October 31, 2023 by clicking on this link.Online orders cost WAMPA an average of $5 an order to process. We have given those who order online the option to pay their processing fee.OR-
Print the attached order form.
Decide what cards you would like to purchase and at what value. Most businesses are offering gift cards in various amounts. (the @ on each line is the amount that the business is donating back to us with each gift card sold) E.G.: If you purchase 2 gift cards for $50 each for The Courthouse Bar & Grill Restaurant, you will make your check out for $100. The Courthouse will donate 20% - $20 of that amount back to WAMPA!
Fill in the order form and write a check. Payment is by check only please, and it should be made out to “WAMPA” for the correct amount.
Mail your order form(s) and check(s) to: WA Music Parents Association, C/O Susie Racine, 176 Route 169, Woodstock, CT 06281. Make sure they are postmarked by October 27th. Or drop the form off to Susie Racine on South Campus by the 31st.
Thank you for supporting our music students!Elizabeth Costa and Hawley Nordman, WAMPA Gift Card Fundraiser ChairsQuestions? - Please call Elizabeth Costa at (401) 529-8781 or email elizabethnaultcosta@gmail.com or Hawley Nordman at (508) 733-6630 or email hawlene.nordman@gmail.com -