• The Academy provides parent/guardian accounts in PowerSchool. In addition to immediate, direct access to a great deal of information about your child, including schedule, attendance, grades, teacher contacts, forms, and outstanding fees, PowerSchool is the source of all communication contact information for parents, guardians, and students.

    Whenever a change is made to the contact information of a student, parent, guardian, or another emergency contact, it is important to update the information with The Woodstock Academy via PowerSchool update forms. The Woodstock Academy is unable to make edits to contact information via phone call or other methods. All updates to contact information must be made through the Parent /Guardian PowerSchool form.

    Update your Contact Information

    1. Visit wa.powerschool.com/public
    2. Log in with your username and password
    3. Select the "Forms" menu on the left
    4. Review and update the “Parent/Guardian and Emergency Contacts Update” form under the heading “Returning Student Required Updates.”
      • Important notes:
        • There should be at least one contact marked as having custody (i.e. is a legal guardian of the student).
        • There should be at least one contact marked as an emergency contact (who WA can contact if there is an emergency involving this student).
        • There should be at least one contact marked as a pickup (is allowed to pick up the student from campus).


    Need a PowerSchool Parent/Guardian account?

    Follow the setup steps found here: Parent & Guardian Dashboard > PowerSchool | Parent & Guardian Sign Up