• Welcome to Residential Life on South Campus at The Woodstock Academy! 

    All mail & packages are available for pick up in the Annhurst Building, room AH111. Mail & Packages are processed M-F (excluding holidays). Any time a package is received on your behalf; you'll receive an email alert to your WA Email that it has arrived and is ready for pickup. 

    All Residential Life mail & packages MUST be addressed to the recipient's legal first & last name and be addressed in this exact format:

      Format: Example:
    Option 1
    FirstName LastName
    176 Route 169
    Woodstock, CT 06281
    Jason Smith
    176 Route 169
    Woodstock, CT 06281
    Option 2* FirstName LastName
    176 CT-169
    Woodstock, CT 06281
    Jason Smith
    176 CT-169
    Woodstock, CT 06281
    Option 3* FirstName LastName
    176 Norwich-Worcester Tpk
    Woodstock, CT 06281
    Jason Smith
    176 Norwich-Worcester Tpk
    Woodstock, CT 06281

    Mail and packages sent to addresses not listed above should not be used, and may result in your package not being delivered.

    Student mail and packages are subject to inspection before delivery. 

    Non-Residential Life Mail & Packages

    The Woodstock Academy Business related mail and packages, despite their final destination, should always be addressed to:

    FirstName LastName
    c/o The Woodstock Academy
    57 Academy Road
    Woodstock, CT 06281

    In rare occasions, with explicit permission granted, deliveries containing contents specifically for events/performances taking place in Loos Center for the Arts may be scheduled for special delivery to the delivery dock at Loos Center For Arts:

    c/o Loos Center for the Arts
    150 Route 169
    Woodstock, CT 06281
    NBP: (860) 963-6789