Weekly Update 09/06/24
Weekly Announcements: September 3-6
Reporting Absences
The Academy provides parents & guardians access to reporting student absences through PowerSchool. Parents & guardians can report at any time, for any length of absence – from a partial day for an appointment, to multiple days due to illness or college visits. When reported through PowerSchool, the notification counts as written notice from the parent/guardian, which the State of Connecticut requires for the absence to be excused and not count toward student truancy. Reporting absences through PowerSchool allows information to be received and processed more quickly, so teachers and staff know earlier in the day what to expect.
If you have not created a PowerSchool account, please follow the step-by-step guide to create one.
How to report student absences in PowerSchool:
1. Log into Parent/Guardian PowerSchool on a web browser (reporting absences is not available in the mobile app).
2. Select "Attendance Monitor" from the left menu.
3. Select the "Report New Attendance" button to submit absence, early dismissal, or late arrival information.
5. Fill out the attendance report:
- If for one day only, input the first date. For multiple consecutive dates, input the first and last date.
- Select the reason the student will be absent.
- If the absence is not for the full day, select "No" and enter the start and end times that the student will be away from school.
- Give a short explanation for the absence.
- Select "Submit" to turn in the attendance report.
6. If the following reasons are selected, proof must be submitted to the main office on North Campus to be fully excused*:
- Illness, injury, medical or dental appointment: note from medical provider.
- Court appearance: copy of notice/court order.
- Dept. of Motor Vehicles appointment: proof of the appointment.
*These may be submitted in person, or by email to absences@woodstockacademy.org.
Please note that by State law, after nine days absent from school for the year, students can only be excused for limited reasons, and with official documentation received within ten days.
The entirety of the attendance policy is on pages 90 & 91 of the Student Handbook. Please take the time to review attendance expectations, truancy, and loss of credit due to excessive absenteeism.
Effective July 1, 2021, Section 19 of Public Act No. 21-46 requires local and regional boards of education to allow any student enrolled in grades kindergarten through twelve to take two non-consecutive days each school year as mental health wellness days.
Pick-up & Drop-off Locations
For safety and efficiency, we have designated drop-off and pick-up locations for cars, buses, and shuttles between campuses. Please carefully review the drop-off and pick-up locations linked below.
North Campus Morning Drop-Off Map
North Campus Afternoon Pick-Up Map
South Campus Drop-Off and Pick-Up Map
College Rep Visits
This fall, college reps will be visiting WA to meet with students and share information about their respective schools. This is a fantastic opportunity to learn more about colleges and to demonstrate interest to the reps. Please be sure to actively check Naviance for the most up-to-date list of visits as it continuously updates.
Fall College Rep Visit Schedule
College Financial Aid Workshop
The WA Counseling team is hosting a virtual presentation to help families navigate the college financial aid process. Students and parents/guardians are both encouraged to attend. Use the link below to pre-register for the meeting.
Wednesday, September 25
6:00 p.m.
Zoom Password: College
SAT Sign-Up for Seniors
The SAT is being administered at WA on October 9 during the school day. This is optional for seniors and costs $70. To register for the test, students must use this link while logged into their myWA account.
The deadline to register is September 27.
Fall Semester Family Night
On Thursday, September 19, from 6:00 to 7:15 p.m., we are hosting our first-semester Family Night and invite you to join us! The primary purpose of this evening is to introduce family members to their students' teachers and first-semester courses. Teachers will give a brief description of their courses and answer questions regarding requirements, standards, and expectations of student performance.
Your Student's Schedule
Please follow your child’s Day A Schedule for the evening. Students with study halls will have a free block; administrators and guidance will be available in the Bowen Building foyer. As a reminder, your student's schedule can be found in PowerSchool.
Arranging Meetings with Teachers
Family members who would like to arrange virtual or in-person meetings at another time are encouraged to contact the teacher directly.
South Campus Class Locations
To facilitate the evening, all classes will be held on North Campus. The full schedule will be sent out next week.
Senior Portraits and Yearbook
Senior photo sessions are now available through Legacy Studios. Please note that all seniors must sit for this session to hold their place in the yearbook. Scheduling your session as soon as possible will ensure you secure a spot in the yearbook and allow ample time for retakes if desired. By signing up early, you’ll have the advantage of more options and flexibility in choosing the image that best represents you. 2024-25 Yearbooks are also available for purchase now on the Jostens website.
Schedule Senior Portrait Purchase Yearbook
Class of 2026 Rings
Jostens has extended the class ring order deadline to Thursday, September 12! Order now to receive $25 Off + Free Class Hoodie!