Posted by:- College & Career Counseling Offices – 11:55 a.m. – 12:55 p.m.
- English Help – B204 – 11:55 a.m. – 12:55 p.m.
- Homework Help – B110 – 11:55 a.m. – 12:55 p.m.
- Math Help – H202 and WH001 – 11:55 a.m – 12:55 p.m.
- Open Gym – Alumni Field House – 11:55 a.m. – 12:55 p.m.
- Open Gym – South Gym – 11:55 a.m. – 12:55 p.m.
- Table Tennis – South Gym – 11:55 a.m. – 12:55 p.m. (Day B ONLY)
- Open Library – Bracken Memorial Library – 11:55 a.m. – 12:55 p.m.
- Science Help – B209 – 11:55 a.m. – 12:55 p.m. and LC205 M&F, 12:25 p.m.
- Social Studies Help – B132 – 11:55 a.m. – 12:55 p.m.
- STRIVE – B218 – 11:55 a.m. – 12:55 p.m.
- Table-top Games – BC22 – 11:55 a.m. – 12:55 p.m.
- German Help – LC202 – 12:25 p.m. – 12:55 p.m.
- Music Tech Lab Help – LC10 – 12:25 p.m. – 12:55 p.m.
- Spanish Help – BC20 – 11:55 a.m. – 12:55 p.m.; and SC208 – 11:55 a.m. – 12:25 p.m. (T-F)
- Robotics & Drone Club – H207 – 12:25 p.m.
- Art Help – H100 – 12:25 p.m.
American Legion Oratorical
Posted by:American Legion High School Oratorical Scholarship Program is "A Constitutional Speech Contest" for students who are looking for an academic challenge and an opportunity to gain scholarship funds. Students will learn about our country's constitution in a contest that has been held by The American Legion for more than 80 years. Participants must be United States citizens or permanent residents to be eligible. The local contests begin around December- March and culminate nationally in April. This is a great opportunity to enhance your public speaking skills or to overcome a fear of public speaking while in a friendly and supportive environment.
Advisor: Mr. Resnick sresnick@woodstockacademy.orgMeetings: As needed, individual basis
Amnesty International (AI)
Posted by:AI is a worldwide organization committed to the prevention of human rights abuse and promoting awareness of issues such as torture and censorship. Some activities include writing letters to governments worldwide, appealing to them to protect the rights of citizens. Students also create educational experiences for the student body in order to raise awareness about issues around the world.
Meetings: 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of the month, 2nd half of Community Lunch
Advisor: Mr. Meyer mmeyer@woodstockacademy.org -
Anime Club
Posted by:Anime Club is a place where students who enjoy Anime can gather and share their interests in an inclusive, socially comfortable setting. Together the club watches amine films, acts out anime scenes, decorates and staffs a room for Trick or Treat Street, and plans Centaurcades.
Meetings: Mondays at 2:30pm B129
Advisor: Mrs. Gronski mgronski@woodstockacademy.org -
Artist Outreach
Posted by:Artist Outreach aims to connect students to each other and to the community through art. We work together as an organization to create art to share in our school as well as the broader community. Arts Outreach participates in large-scale painting projects, community events, and activities that allow us to connect with others through art.
Meetings: Wednesdays, 2nd half of Community Lunch
Advisor: Ms. Budd rbudd@woodstockacademy.org & Mr. Howley ihowley@woodstockacademy.org
Athletic Council
Posted by:The Athletic Council is an organization that supports athletics as The Woodstock Academy. Any athlete may be a member. Activities include the Wellness Fair, Pep Rally, Trick-or-Treat Street, and service activities.
Advisor: Mrs. Welch twelch@woodstockacademy.org
Meetings: Every other Tuesday at 2:30pm B122
B Club
Posted by:B Club is a group of students committed to the well-being and support of individuals in the WA community who face medical hardships. The purpose of the group is to raise money to defray the health-care expenses of these students.
Meetings: Thursdays, 2nd half of Community Lunch
Advisor: Mrs. Singleton hsingleton@woodstockacademy.org -
Book Club
Posted by:Description: Students will collectively read 1 book every 4-6 weeks. Students can stop by the library to pick up a copy of the book. Once the group finishes the book, a "movie afternoon" will be held to watch the movie that ties in with the book that was read. Come and read a book with us
Meetings: 2nd & 4th Monday of each month during 1st half of community lunch
Advisor: Mrs. Sharpe dsharpe@woodstockacademy.org -
Chemistry Olympiad
Posted by:The goal of Chemistry Olympiad is to stimulate interest and achievement in chemistry and to provide recognition of outstanding students, teachers and schools through competition by exam and laboratory practical.
Meetings: Wednesdays, 1st half of Community Lunch
Advisor: Mrs. Chute cchute@woodstockacademy.org -
Chess Club
Posted by:The Chess Club provides instruction in chess play and notation as well as opportunities for students to compete against each other. Strategies and tactics will be reviews.
Meetings: Wednesdays, 2nd half of Community Lunch
Advisor: Ms. Lovegreen slovegreen@woodstockacademy.org -
Class Council 2026
Posted by:Class Council for students in the class of 2026. As leaders of the class, the council plans fundraisers, activities, and events.
Meetings: Last Monday of the month, 2nd half of Community Lunch
Advisors: Ms. Danielson and Mrs. Gronskikdanielson@woodstockacademy.org
Class Council 2025
Posted by:Class Council for students in the graduating class of 2025. As leaders of the class, the council plans fundraisers, activities, and events, including proms.
Meetings: Last Monday of the month, 2nd half of Community Lunch
Advisors: -
Class Council 2027
Posted by:Class Council for students in the graduating class of 2027. As leaders of the class, the council plans activities, events, and fundraisers.
Advisors: Mr. Bove mbove@woodstockacademy.org
Mr. Elliot celliot@woodstockacademy.org -
Class Council 2024
Posted by:Class Council for students in the class of 2024. As leaders of the class, the council plans fundraisers, activities, and class opportunities.
Meetings: 1st Wednesday of every month at 2:20pm A102
Advisor: Mr. Washington dwashington@woodstockacademy.org Mrs. Gosselin dgosselin@woodstockacademy.orgMr. Adams dadams@woodstockacademy.org
Deep End: Art & Literary Magazine
Posted by:The Deep End is The Woodstock Academy’s art and literary magazine that promotes literary and visual arts. The magazine is staffed by WA students and open to all WA students.
Advisor: Ms. Millar mmillar@woodstockacademy.orgMrs. Romero sromero@woodstockacademy.org
Posted by:Earthsave is open to students who are interested in promoting awareness about environmental issues and acting to protect the environment at school, in our towns, and worldwide. Activities include campus and community cleanups, community Earth Week activities, science outreach, grant writing and anything else that comes from student interest and passion. All are welcome!
Meetings: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1st half of Community Lunch
Advisor: Mrs. Gronski mgronski@woodstockacademy.org -
Eastern Connecticut Table Tennis Club
Posted by:(6) Butterfly Centerfold25 Tables.
Meetings: 'B' Days in South Gymnasium
Advisor: Mr. Dan Vogt dvogt@woodstockacademy.org -
Faith, Hope, & Love Club
Posted by:The Faith, Hope & Love Club's mission is to empower WA students to make a positive impact on the community by following in the footsteps of Christ. The group is also involved in service work in which they give back to the community.
Advisor: Mr. Boshka, jboshka@woodstockacademy.org
Meetings: Wednesdays, 2nd half of Community Lunch
Posted by:This is an audition-based indoor percussion ensemble. All band and chorus members are eligible to audition for this group in December of each school year.
Meetings: Monday 6pm - 8pm, Bandroom
Advisor: Mrs. Churchill mchurchill@woodstockacademy.org -
FRESH: Family Related Effective Solutions for Humanity
Posted by:FRESH is a student-run nonprofit operating out of The Woodstock Academy that works toward poverty relief and awareness in the "Quiet Corner" area of Connecticut. Additionally, FRESH runs a mentoring program in the local middle schools and plans monthly events on South Campus. FRESH operates the Caring Continues program, a food-assistance program for local families.
Meetings: Mondays, 1st half of Community Lunch
Advisor: Ms. Dziedzic sdziedzic@woodstockacademy.org -
Gender & Sexualities Alliance (GSA)
Posted by:The Gender & Sexualities Alliance promotes tolerance, knowledge, understanding and the appreciation of diversity in our community. GSA's primary objective is to contribute to a safe environment for all students. GSA provides students with a non-threatening atmosphere in which they meet and talk about issues relating to sexual orientation. Its intent is to diminish prejudice in the school community through education.
Meetings: Mondays, 1st half of Community Lunch
Advisor: Mr. Young tyoung@woodstockacademy.org -
Hill Singers
Posted by:Hill Singers is the advanced a cappella choir of The Woodstock Academy. Students must audition to be part of the group and also must be a member of a choral ensemble class at The Woodstock Academy.
Meetings: Mondays from 3:30-5:30 p.m.
Advisor: Ms. Ranta aranta@woodstockacademy.org -
Jazz Band
Posted by:This auditioned-based group meets once per week on Thursdays from 3-5 PM. Jazz Band consists of students who wish to advance their musicianship through the medium of jazz. Auditions take place at the beginning of each school year. Regular attendance is required at rehearsals for participation. Students must be a member of one daytime full-year instrumental ensemble to be eligible for participation in this group. All students in grades 9-12 are eligible to audition.
Advisor: Mrs. Churchill lchurchill@woodstockacademy.org
Knitting Club
Posted by:Knitting and conversation through Teams. Even if you aren't knitting something at the moment, you are welcome to come and chat with us! Everyone is welcome, so if you know of someone who is interested in knitting and/or social interaction, please feel free to invite them as well.
Meetings: Fridays at 2:30 p.m. S202
Advisor: Mr. Young tyoung@woodstockacademy.org -
Library Club
Posted by:Students meet bi-monthly, one time a month the meeting will focus on a book discussion of a student’s choice. The other meeting will focus on developing a list of recommended books for the school community
Meetings: Every other Wednesday at 7:00 a.m. Library
Advisor: Mrs. Sharpe dsharpe@woodstockacademy.org
Math Honor Society
Posted by:Math Honor Society has monthly meetings, provides math tutoring, fundraises for scholarships, and competes in math competitions including the AMC. Math Honor Society is a chapter of Mu Alpha Theta. In order to be eligible for membership, students must take three math classes at The Woodstock Academy and get at least a 3.7 or higher in each of them [A- for Honors, B+ for AP/ACC).
Meetings: First Thursday of the Month during 2nd half of Community Lunch
Tutoring: By appointment
Advisor: Mr. Tyler mtyler@woodstockacademy.org -
Math Team
Posted by:The Math Team competes each month in the Eastern Connecticut Mathematics League with 14 other high schools. We hold weekly practices to prepare for the competitions. Whether you are in Algebra 1 or Calculus, if you enjoy working on math problems, you should consider joining the team! Email Mr. Tyler for more information.
Meetings: Fridays, 1st half of Community Lunch
Advisor: Mr. Tyler styler@woodstockacademy.org -
Medical Club
Posted by:The Woodstock Academy Medical Club provides students with insight into the medical field. The club invites medical professionals from various specialties and fields to speak about their experiences. The club is open to all students who are interested.
Meetings: Every other Wednesday and Every Friday during the 2nd half of Community Lunch
Advisor: Mrs. May vmay@woodstockacademy.org -
Model United Nations Club and Team
Posted by:Model United Nations, also known as Model UN or MUN, is an extra-curricular activity in which students typically roleplay delegates to the United Nations and simulate UN committees. Students, referred to as Delegates, are assigned a country to represent in one of the UN’s numerous committees with pre-set topics to debate. They research the background of their country, their country's position on the topics at hand, and prepare notes on possible solutions to the problems faced.
Meetings: Fridays during 1st half of Community Lunch
Advisor: Ms. Dziedzic sdziedzic@woodstockacademy.org -
National Honor Society
Posted by:NHS is an organization whose members are selected on the basis of the commitment they have exhibited to scholarship, leadership, service, and character. Juniors and seniors are invited to apply at the beginning of the school year if their grade point average is 3.65 or above.
Meetings: Tuesdays, 1st half of Community Lunch
Advisor: Ms. Dziedzic sdziedzic@woodstockacademy.org Mrs. Woodland mwoodland@woodstockacademy.org -
Ocean Bowl Club
Posted by:Ocean Bowl is open to all students interested in science, particularly in oceanography. The main objective is to prepare for the Ocean Bowl competition at MIT. Teams of 5 students compete against other teams from area schools.
Meetings: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1st half of Community Lunch
Advisors: Mrs. Jolliff csjolliff@woodstockacademy.org
Mr. Lusa plusa@woodstockacademy.org -
Robotics Club
Posted by:Engages students in several STEM activities and competitions. Starting in September students meet to design, develop and construct several robots using multiple robotics platforms- VEX- TSA- Seaperch and this year we are laying the foundation for our Multigp drone race team. All of the competitions are nationally recognized and can be previewed on YouTube.
Meetings: Tuesdays from 2:30-4:30 p.m. on S207
Advisor: Mr. Sumner psumner@woodstockacademy.org -
Scholar-Athlete Honor Society
Posted by:Meetings: 1st Wednesday of the month, 1st half of Community Lunch
Advisor: Sean Saucier ssaucier@woodstockacademy.org -
Science Bowl
Posted by:The group prepares for a Regional Science Bowl held at UCONN each March. Teams of 5 students take part in the quiz bowl that covers areas of math and science. Students also build fuel cars to race in competitions.
Meetings: Thursdays, 2nd half of Community Lunch
Advisor: Mrs. Lovegreen, slovegreen@woodstockacademy.org -
Science National Honor Society
Posted by:Meetings: Tuesdays, 2nd half of Community Lunch
Advisors: Mrs. May vmay@woodstockacademy.org
Mrs. Lovegreen slovegreen@woodstockacademy.orgEmail scienceNHS@woodstockacademy.org for science tutoring help.
Intracultural Club
Posted by:The Multicultural Club promotes multicultural understanding and empathy, and creates cultural awareness on campus.
Advisors: Ms. Gosselin dgosselin@wosodstockacademy.org -
Science Olympiad
Posted by:Science Olympiad competes in 25 separate events at the Science Olympiad competition at UCONN in the spring.
Meetings: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1st half of Community Lunch
Advisors: Mr. Lusa plusa@woodstockacademy.org
Student Council
Posted by:The purpose of the Student Council (StuCo) is to act as a student representative organization and to use student body opinions for the benefit of the school and the community. The council meets with the administration to discuss issues of school community activities. Elected from grades 10-12 in May and grade 9 in the fall. Officers are elected in April and overlap the school year. A number of at-large members join the council each year.
Meetings: Tuesdays, 2nd half of Community Lunch
Advisor: Mr. Musumeci jmusumeci@woodstockacademy.org -
Peer Mediation
Posted by:A process in which an impartial third party (YOU) facilitates communication and negotiation between other students and promotes voluntary decision-making by the parties to the dispute!
Advisor: Mr. Edwards, vedwards@woodstockacademy.org
Table Tennis (Ping-Pong)
Posted by:Table Tennis is available to students as a part of the Eastern Connecticut Table Tennis Club (ECTTC), which meets on South Campus during Community Lunch on B days. The club is open to all students. The ECTTC is an official club of USA Table Tennis. View the club webpage.
Meetings: During Community Lunch on B Days in the South Campus Gymnasium
Advisor: Mr. Vogt dvogt@woodstockacademy.org -
Technical Theater Club
Posted by:Are you interested in live event production and technical theater? Do you want to support The Woodstock Academy and Loos Center for the Arts? This may be the perfect fit for you! The Technical Theater Club meets weekly and supports events throughout the year in Bates Memorial Auditorium, Alumni Field House, and Loos Center for the Arts. All are welcome to join, with many opportunities to learn about behind-the-scenes production technology like lighting, audio, projection, and automation systems. Students will train at an individual pace with the goal of becoming a volunteer or holding paid positions in both Academy and professional productions.Meetings: Wednesdays, 2:30pm - 5:00pm, Loos Center for the Arts
Advisor: Mr. Davidson edavidson@woodstockacademy.org -
Pep Band
Posted by:This group meets during the basketball season and rehearses before each game/event/performance. The Pep Band performs at basketball games as well as pep rallies in conjunction with school sporting events. This is a co-curricular activity that requires year-long participation in at least one day-time performing ensemble.
Advisor: -
Technology Student Association (TSA)
Posted by:The Technology Student Association fosters personal growth, leadership, and opportunities in technology, innovation, design, and engineering. Members apply and integrate science, technology, engineering and mathematics concepts through co-curricular activities, competitive events and related programs. Students participate in a state event and have the opportunity to compete in a national event.
Meetings: Tuesdays at 2:30 p.m. S207
Advisor: Mr. Sumner psumner@woodstockacademy.org Mr. Collelo ecollelo@woodstockacademy.org
Tri-M Music Honor Society
Posted by:Tri-M Music Honor Society is a national honor society for high school musicians who have shown themselves to be academically capable and musically gifted. Through performance and community service, these students develop confidence, creativity, critical thinking, compassion, and a host of other leadership skills sure to serve them well in school and beyond.Meetings: Tuesdays, 2nd half of Community Lunch -
Unified Sports
Posted by:Unified sports pairs student volunteers with special athletes in soccer, basketball, and track or other physical activities such as kickball and fitness. Athletes work together to train and compete. Open to ALL WA students, regardless of athletic ability.
Meetings: Thursday 2:30pm-3:30pm South Campus gym
Advisor: Ms.VanderSwaagh svanderswaagh@woodstockacademy.org Mrs.Sumner lsumner@woodstockacademy.org -
Video Production Club
Posted by:Are you interested in video production? Do you want to support our school by attending and recording special events? Or do you have a project of your own in mind? All are welcome to join, there will be many great opportunities to learn video and radio production techniques, enter contests like the Graduation Video Contest, and work both volunteer and paid positions. We hope to see you there!Meetings: Tuesdays at 2:30 p.m. H113 & H102Advisor: Mr. Collelo ecollelo@woodstockacademy.org -
Empowering Women Club (Women's Leadership & Wellness)
Posted by:Women's Leadership provides a safe and supportive setting for young women to engage in discussions that encourage communication and connection, in order to promote self-confidence and awareness, which in turn fosters leadership. The group explores and engages in opportunities to develop these aspects through experiences and by inviting guest speakers.
Advisor: Mrs. Clarke mclarke@woodstockacademy.org
World Language Honor Societies
Posted by:The Italian, Latin, Chinese, Spanish, and German honor societies consist of students who have maintained excellence in language studies at The Woodstock Academy. Students are inducted annually.
Italian National Honor Society
Eligibility for membership in the Italian National Honor Society is based on three semesters of Italian with a 3.6 grade point average in Italian and 3.0 overall GPA.
Meetings: Wednesdays as needed at 2:15 p.m. Library Writing Center
Advisor: Mrs. Monahan mmonahan@woodstockacademy.org
Latin National Honor Society
Application for membership is open to students who have completed through Latin 2 with an average grade of 90 or higher.
Meetings: Tuesdays at 2:15 p.m. BC10
Advisor: Mr. Morehouse amorehouse@woodstockacademy.org
Chinese (Mandarin) National Honor Society
Application for membership is open to students who have completed through Mandarin 3 with an average grade of B or higher.Meetings: 2nd Wednesday in LC005
Advisor: Mrs. Collins ycollins@woodstockacademy.orgSpanish National Honor Society
Membership in the Spanish National Honor Society is open to students who have maintained a 90 average or better for three marking periods in Spanish classes (beginning with level two, not including level one) and submit a one page written response to 1) why they want to become a member, and 2) how they plan to contribute to the group.Meetings: Monday/Tuesday twice monthly, 2:20 p.m. Bates Auditorium
Tutoring: On each Thursday, the Spanish National Honor Society will offer tutoring from 2:30-3:00 p.m. to any students in Spanish 1-3 that need extra help. Please email your Spanish teacher or Sr. Fox if you want to participate, so you can be added to the day's list.
Advisors: Mrs. Thibodeau athibodeau@woodstockacademy.org Mrs. Ethier aethier@woodstockacademy.org Mrs.Zolobowski azolobowski@woodstockacademy.org Mr. Fox jfox@woodstockacademy.orgGerman National Honor Society
For the German National Honor Society, the requirements for eligibility are three semesters of German with a 3.6 grade point average in German and 3.0 overall GPA. Eligible students must also submit a one-page written response to 1) why they want to become a member, and 2) how they plan to contribute to the group.
Meetings: Third Tuesday of the month from 2:30-3:30 p.m. LC202
Advisor: Mr. Musko jmusko@woodstockacademy.org -
Posted by:Students work as a team and independently to create The Spire, the yearbook of The Woodstock Academy. Tasks involve photography, writing, drawing, organizing, editing, and creating. The club is open to all WA students.
Meetings: Mondays and Wednesdays, 1st half of Community Lunch, AH101; 2nd Thursday of the month during 1st half of Community Lunch
Advisors: Amanda Tosetti atosetti@woodstockacademy.org & Christina Joliff cjoliff@woodstockacademy.org -
Table Top Gaming Club
Posted by:TTGC (Table Top Games Club) is the perfect activity for students who enjoy gaming activities such as Dungeons and Dragons, Magic the Gathering, Settlers of Catan, or Risk. It offers a welcoming and inclusive environment for all who attend. If you don’t know how to play, don’t worry, we will teach you how to play and you will make friends in the process! To join a D&D or MTG Pod via Teams, please contact club advisor.
Meetings: Fridays from 2:30-4:30 p.m. BC22
Advisor: Mr. Fox jfox@woodstockacademy.org